1940s classic Art Nouveau brass table lamps
Pin Dynasty Gallery:
Vintage Chinese sofa table

1960s Surrealist bronze sculpture

Hand-made vintage Tulu rug from Turkey. These hand-woven mats are traditionally made by women from goat hair and used for sleeping. A variety of sizes and colors are available.

Boy's Day graphic landscape of koi in a waterfall silk banner from 19th-century Japan.
7'H x 30"W

Swat Valley embroidered pillows (Pakistan mid-20th century)
Silk embroidery in reds, fuschia, and green, with black linen welt and back.
13"H x 30"W

Original 1960s biomorphic redwood mirror
33"H x 62"W

1950s very good original condition brass floor lamp with perforated painted metal shades. (Please note: This has not yet been rewired for the United States.)

Christopher Farr:
By Kate Blee
Hand-knotted, hand-spun Anatolian wool and mohair rug
Size: 9' x 12'
(price upon request)
*Please note: This rug can be produced to color, size, and weave specifications.